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Volcan Chicabal


This the sacred heart of the Mam-Mayan Cosmovision. On a clear day, Chicabal’s highest point gives you a magnificent view of Guatemala’s Pacific coast and its other impressive volcanic peaks. It’s a gentle climb that lasts about 2 hours to get up to the top and one more to go down.

Category: Product ID: 1448


This the sacred heart of the Mam-Mayan Cosmovision. On a clear day, Chicabal’s highest point gives you a magnificent view of Guatemala’s Pacific coast and its other impressive volcanic peaks. It’s a gentle climb that lasts about 2 hours to get up to the top and one more to go down.

Protected by enchanting cloud forest, you’d never believe this tranquil setting used to bubble with lava and sulphuric gas. Chicabal’s immense biodiversity is also home to a fantastic variety of birds, insects and plants. You might even be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Guatemala’s national bird the Quetzal.

Mam-Mayan priests still carry out rituals at Chicabal,  the whole site feels like its folklore was carved from the landscape and its ancient myths come to life in this magical environment. This short day trip is an excellent opportunity to see why Chicabal is so important ecologically and spiritually for our people.

Detalles del viaje:

Disponibilidad: Lunes-Domingo

Tiempo total del recorrido: 5 horas

Tiempo total de ascenso y descenso: 2 horas para subir y 1 para bajar

Hora de salida: 6:00am desde Xela

Price: $55 USD

Incluido en el precio: Transporte privado guía local, entrada.

Costes adicionales: algo de dinero extra en caso de que quieras comprar comida o bebida.

Qué traer: Botas de montaña, pantalón largo, cortavientos o impermeable, bloqueador solar, anteojos de sol, cámara, binoculares, artículos personales y al menos 2 litros de agua

Información útil: No se permite nadar en ningún momento debido a la importancia religiosa del sitio.


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